Monday, October 15, 2012

I did it!

Well maybe not so big for others , but for me huge. I tracked everything I ate on weight watchers all weekend. What I learned was it was manageable and it did keep me honest. I found before I only would track a meal here and there and for recipes. I found that I should cut a few portion sizes and I did not go over as bad as I thought. This week goal is to track all week at work. How was your weekend ?


  1. Where the heck is everyone...are we on Weight Watchers now? Where is Amy? I blew it this weekend...

    1. I am on weight watchers. Just online. I left posts last week. Not much response. I made my goal of recording. But I went over my points. I eat too much.

  2. Tell us how that goes can you send before and after pics ? How much does it cost ?
