Saturday, October 13, 2012


I am calling this 10/11/12 because I think a few of us need to catch up with our menus.  I am going to try something this weekend.
Totally weight watchers.- meaning I am really going to count everything I eat this weekend and see how many points I achieve, over or under the limit.
I have been paying for a ww website for years and I only use it for the recipes.  I seem to always count my points for breakfast, then get too busy to figure out the rest and then stop counting.  Many times I stay on the diet, I just dont count, so I dont know.  This weekend my goal is to count the WHOLE WEEKEND.

What is  your weekend plans.  Check in with everyone Monday morning 10/15/12
 ps Aunt Nancy gave a alcohol link, it is the weekend, this might help if you are going to have a drink this weekend.  Not Harriet though, but save it for the future


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